Compensation For Negligent Doctor Misdiagnosis Or Failure To Diagnose
When you experience symptoms such as pain or abnormal symptoms, and you visit your doctor to get help, you trust your doctor to determine the precise cause of the symptoms. When doctors or medical professionals either don’t take the time to listen to your complaints or don’t conduct the proper examination or tests to get to the bottom of your health concern, it can lead to a delay in diagnosis and treatment.
Having your illness misdiagnosed, or being told by your doctor that there is nothing wrong, can cause you to get even sicker and possibly threaten your life. This should never happen simply because your doctor did not do their job properly. If it has, you could be entitled to full compensation for things like your subsequent medical bills and wages you lost while you were unable to work.
At Martin Law, LLC, our father-and-daughter team of experienced personal injury attorneys is capable of representing you in a claim against a doctor, a hospital or another party that negligently failed to diagnose your condition or gave you the wrong diagnosis. We are one of the most respected boutique personal injury law firms in the Chicago area, with millions of dollars secured for our clients in settlements and trial verdicts.
Determining When A Diagnosis Error Has Occurred
When a misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose causes an injury or disease to worsen, it can be legally actionable. Some examples of how such a failure can occur include:
- Falsely concluding that a symptom is temporary
- Prematurely ruling out a potential diagnosis
- Misinterpreting or failing to administer a crucial medical test
The experienced medical malpractice lawyers at Martin Law, LLC, understand how a misdiagnosis can have serious, lasting and sometimes tragic results. We can help you understand whether you have a case, answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process toward recovery. Consult with the experienced attorneys at Martin Law, LLC, today to get the justice you deserve.
How Misdiagnosis And Failure To Diagnose Can Impact Patients
An improper diagnosis is one example of medical malpractice, which can occur when doctors fail to properly test their patients or ask them key questions when they come in for an exam. They may claim they were in a hurry or simply forgot, but whatever their excuse, there is no justification for not giving you the standard of care you deserve under Illinois law.
Consequences of negligent misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose can include:
- Undergoing treatment for a disease you do not have, often involving serious side effects
- Having your illness get worse as it goes untreated, possibly for months or years
- Once your condition is finally diagnosed properly, having to undergo more intensive treatments than you would have had your doctor made an accurate diagnosis in the first place
These experiences can cost you a great deal in lost wages and medical payments, not to mention unnecessary pain and suffering. To take on the doctor and their malpractice insurance company, you need experienced and dedicated legal representation to recover damages. We provide excellent service to each client we represent and will not settle for less than the highest amount of compensation possible.
Need More Information About Illinois Misdiagnosis Law?
Once you discover that your medical provider missed a critical diagnosis, it is important to act quickly. The date of this discovery can affect the statute of limitations – that is, the deadline for filing your lawsuit. If you wait too long to learn about your legal options, you might miss your chance to seek justice.
Cases involving misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis and failure to diagnose are complicated. We can help you understand how much time you have to make important decisions for your case.
Do not let medical malpractice continue to sidetrack your life. Our law firm can help you seek the compensation you need to move forward with your life. Contact Martin Law, LLC, by calling our Arlington Heights office at 847-261-4995. We offer free consultations on all medical malpractice matters.