Results In Nursing Home Negligence And Abuse
- $862,500 recovery against a downstate nursing home that placed a patient infected with MRSA into a room with a man who had an open surgical knee wound, thereby causing him to contract MRSA and end up with an amputated leg.
- $750,000 settlement against a nursing home for the negligence in causing a fall and subsequent injuries of an 83-year-old resident.
- $750,000 against nursing home for failure to address constipation of 71-year-old women that led to bowel impaction, perforation and death.
- $690,000 settlement against a nursing home for failure to prevent falls of a 72-year-old man with dementia resulting in intracranial bleeding and death.
- $600,000 settlement against an uninsured doctor and nursing home for a 62-year-old man for failure to prevent and heal a pressure ulcer.
- $600,000 recovery for an 84-year-old man who suffered ulcers and eventually the amputation of a limb due to neglect.
- $500,000 settlement against nursing home for fall of an 80-year-old man who suffered a fractured hip requiring hip arthroplasty revision and ultimately died.
- $500,000 settlement for a paralyzed 68-year-old man admitted to nursing home for treatment of pressure sores and the nursing home failed to turn and provide proper nutrition, which caused sepsis and death.
- $460,000 settlement against nursing home for 88-year-old woman who suffered fractures, malnutrition and infected pressure ulcers that caused her death.