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Is your car ready for winter roads?

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2021 | Firm News |

People who have lived in snowy areas may take their safety for granted on the winter roads for a long time. After so many years of living in these icy environments, it can be easy for someone to forget how dangerous winter roads can be.

More than 150,000 car accidents happen in the winter season every year. Even minor accidents like sliding into a snowbank can become a big problem if you do not have the necessary tools to solve the issue. What can you do to prepare for winter accidents?

Road flares and reflective cones

Winter nights can become extremely dark, making it challenging to spot cars on the road’s side. You can help prevent another vehicle from colliding with yours by bringing extra attention to your car. Road flares and reflective cones can help catch the attention of a distracted driver and keep you and your car safe.

Blankets and gloves

There is no telling how long it will take for someone to come and pull your car out of the snow or come get you. In blizzards and harsh weather, it can take hours for someone to come. If your car cannot stay on that long, you quickly become vulnerable to the cold. Make sure you have a spare set of gloves and blankets to keep yourself warm while you wait.

Digging supplies

Even if you do not find yourself stuck in the snow too deep, there is very little you can do to get yourself out without the necessary tools. A collapsible shovel, kitty litter, and even tire chains can all help you get out of a snowbank on your own and avoid long waits in the cold for help.

Check the roads

Road conditions in the Chicagoland area are constantly changing, especially in the winter. You can track these changes to better plan your route or decide if it is safe enough for you to go out at all. A little bit of planning may be enough to help you avoid a serious accident.

Be prepared

Take some time to add the extra winter equipment that you need to stay safe this winter. A bit of additional preparation can make the difference in how well you respond to an accident this winter.


