A Trusted Ally For The Injured

SkyRise Chicago 2014 – #EthanStrong

On Behalf of | Nov 7, 2014 | Personal Injury |

On November 2, 2014, my daughter, Alyssa, and I climbed 2,109 steps over 103 floors in the Willis Tower to raise money for the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.  We were on the team hosted by the Northwest Community Hospital Wellness Center.  Our team devoted our climb to a beautiful, heroic young boy, Ethan Sappington, an Arlington Heights resident, who is struggling to recover from the disabling effects of an nearly fatal septic condition after he contracted an infection last September. Ethan suffered organ failure causing loss of blood flow to his hands and feet and necessitating a bilateral amputation of his legs and loss of his left wrist and hand. Ethan and his parents were there with us last Sunday and congratulated us when we reached the top of the Tower.  We watched as Ethan demonstrated what he has learned in at RIC.  Ethan is quite an inspiration and we were so glad that we could complete our climb in his honor.

Thank you to all who donated to our climb.

