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Another Reason To Always Get A Second Opinion On Surgery: A Usa Today Study Found That Tens Of Thousands Of Times Each Year, Patients Undergo Surgery They Don’T Need.

On Behalf of | Jun 21, 2013 | Medical Malpractice |

According to an article in USA TODAY on June 21, 2013, which was based on a review of government records and medial databases, tens of thousands of times each year, patients are wheeled into the nation’s operating rooms for surgery that isn’t necessary. Some patients fall victim to predators who enrich themselves by bilking insurers for operations that are not medically justified. Even more turn to doctors who simply lack the competence or training to recognize when a surgical procedure can be avoided, either because the medical facts don’t warrant it or because there are non-surgical treatments that would better serve the patient.

Analyzing the U.S. government’s National Practitioner Data Bank public use file, that USA TODAY study found that since 2005, more than 1,000 doctors have made payments to settle or close malpractice claims in surgical cases that involved allegations of unnecessary or inappropriate procedures.

Second opinions are not just useful to determine whether the correct surgery is being recommended, they may also be vital to verify if surgery is needed at all!

Posted by Law Offices of Jeffrey E. Martin, LLC

P: 847-261-4995

